Dear Club MSM Members
This is a notification about the Annual AGM & Awards Ceremony that will be held on Friday evening, 28 October 2022 from 18:00 for a 18:30 start.
All members are encouraged to attend the AGM to ensure that the best interests of the club are served. The future of the club is only as strong as its members.
If you cannot attend please appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf. A proxy must be a paid-up member of Club MSM (Multisport Maniacs). Please communicate with Syd Dollman (083 321 2611) if you are unsure.
You can expect to receive the following communication from us:
- Club MSM Constitution
- Committee Member Roles & Responsibilities
- Electronic Awards Form
- Electronic Committee Nomination Form
- Electronic Proxy Form
- Electronic RSVP Form
- Minutes to AGM held on 15 October 2021
- Agenda to AGM & Awards Ceremony for 28 October 2022
For members interested in joining the committee, that feel they can and would like to make a difference in the club please make sure to complete the nomination form. If you have any questions regarding joining the committee, feel free to contact the current committee.
Please make sure to respond to all emails regarding the Annual AGM & Awards Ceremony.
Please RSVP no later than 20 October 2022, by letting Tammy Dollman (084 777 7768) know if you can make it. If you are unable to make it, please let us know why.